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Kent's Kidney Stories

Aug 28, 2020

Welcome back! In today’s episode, Kent speaks the Colm Clifford. Colm is a three-time kidney transplant recipient. Born with only one functioning kidney, Colm suffered reflux as a child which damaged this kidney. He went on CAPD at the age of 11 and was transplanted in March 1990, which was not a success as the kidney never functioned. In November 1990, he received his second transplant which gave him a great quality of life for over 22 years. He found himself back on dialysis (CAPD) for two and a half years but due to complications had to move to hemodialysis for a year and a half until his recent transplant in March 2017.

For over 20 years, ironically, Colm works for a pharmaceutical company which produces the immunosuppressant he currently takes. He is actively involved in the Kerry Branch of the Irish Kidney Association and has recently set up a patient support group meeting for people on a similar journey. His passion is to promote awareness and educate people on the importance of organ donation through one-on-one talks and group talks in schools and communities.

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For more information on Kidney Solutions, visit them at

Host: Kent Bressler
Producer: Jason Nunez